Angela Chou

New York City

The Shape of my Eyes are not a trend

Colored Pencils

Historically, Asians’ have been discriminated against because of their slanted eyes, which were commonly perceived as “ugly” or “too small.” Recently, however, the fox eye trend began to widely circulate across social media, being used by various non-Asian celebrities, including Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, and Megan Fox. The “fox eye” is an eye gesture distinguished by pulling up at the temples to emulate almond-shaped eyes. It was disheartening and appalling to see a previous insult that had now been selectively transformed into a beauty trend. 

Through my artwork, I want to demonstrate the difficult road that Asian Americans must take to both accept their cultural identity and to acknowledge the true power they hold to make that difference. Asians are capable of being beautiful, strong, independent HEROES! Thus, the words written in my piece, “The Shape of My Eyes Are Not A Trend,” strike against the discriminatory nature of the discrimination, prejudices, and racism that Asians face, while the bright, vibrant colors of the woman’s face encapsulate the true beauty of Asians.


June Bhattarai


Ishrat Nazneen